Friday, November 8, 2013

Living The Solo Life

(Image courtesy of Evil Erin) 

For the first part of our lives we all spend time sharing our spaces. As children we live with our parents and we may have siblings living with us. In our college years and early twenties many of us have roommates that share our apartments with us. So, it’s understandable that when moving out on your own for the first time the sense of freedom can be overwhelming. It’s exciting to be king of your own castle, not have to answer to anyone about how late you’ve gotten home and not having to worry about cleaning up anyone else’s mess.

Though there are some major benefits to living on your own, it is easy to quickly get caught up in a negative routine as you test the bounds of your new-found freedom. This article from outlines a few pitfalls first time solo apartment renters fall into. Keep reading to learn how to keep the balance when living on your own for the first time.

Keep your apartment clean. It’s easy to keep dishes piled up in the sink or leave your shoes in front of the door when you don’t live with anyone else. Try to establish good habits and set aside time to clean up and make your apartment a space you’re proud of.

Express your style. Have some fun with your apartment and paint the walls in your favorite colors and arrange the furniture how you see fit. You don’t have to worry about compromising your style by living alone so embrace your sense of design.

Be aware of how much time you spend in your apartment. When you live alone it can be easy to hibernate in your apartment. Make it a priority to plan a couple of nights out each week to keep a healthy balance of staying social and having your alone time.

Stay safe. Be aware of your surroundings and make sure your locks are working properly, test your smoke detectors, and keep a fire extinguisher on hand. Better safe than sorry.

Befriend your neighbors. Get to know your neighbors and establish a sense of community with your neighborhood. Whether you need a cup of sugar, or have an emergency, it’s nice to know who’s next door.

Get a pet. If you miss having some company in your apartment, look into adopting a pet from your local animal shelter. A dog or cat can be a welcoming comfort to come home to.

We hope these tips help you enjoy living alone in your apartment!


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