Friday, November 1, 2013

Ten Simple Steps To An Easier Move

(Image courtesy of Meathead Movers)

Unfortunately, moving is never easy. There are always too many things to get done, and it never seems like there is enough time to accomplish them. Thankfully there are a few steps you can take to relieve some of the stress during your moving day.

Keeping your move organized will help to combat the stress of relocating. This article from offers some quick and simple tips to keep your move as seamless as possible. Keep reading to be reminded of a few simple tricks to keep you organized and stress free!

Make a List

It’s easy to forget things during a move. Stay on point by printing out custom inventory and moving checklists from the Internet, so you never miss a step, like informing your in-laws of your move.

Get Boxes for Free

Why pay for something you’re going to recycle once you’re done moving? Go to your local grocery or liquor store a few weeks before your move and ask if you can help yourself to some of their leftover boxes.

Pack Smart

If you have a long trip ahead, you need easy access to food, drinks, hygiene supplies, medicine, and a change of clothes for everyone. Also, pack an “open me first” box full of important tools and cleaning supplies.

Label Your Boxes

Make detailed labels on each box so you know what room they go in and whether or not the items inside are fragile. This helps prevent your priceless china from turning into dust.

Donate or Sell What You Don’t Need

Lighten your load by donating any seldom-used items to a charity or selling them in a yard sale. This reduces your clutter, and your unwanted items go to a good cause.

Change Your Address

Change your address online or in person through the USPS at least seven to ten days before you move or else you’ll miss out on some important mail.

Research Your New City and Neighborhood Online

It’s never too early to uncover the dirt on your new town — like the weather, traffic, and the best places to blow off a little steam–so you know what to expect before you settle into your new home.

Set up or Transfer your Home Services

Check to see if your existing home service providers are available in your new area. If so, schedule a service transfer. If not, you are going to need to find a new one. Movearoo can help you find which TV, Phone, or Internet service providers are available in your new neighborhood. Make sure you set your cancellation date for the day you move out and your install date for the day after you move in. This way you aren’t going too long without service but you also don’t have to deal with it during the pandemonium of your move.

Take Notes and Make Measurements

Measure the width of doors and hallways, to prevent nicking walls and woodwork when carrying large objects through your home. Also, take note of what goes in each room before you move everything in.

Clean and Paint, Before You Unpack

Finish any painting and cleaning before you unpack your boxes and situate your furniture. This allows your house to be thoroughly cleaned and you won’t have to cover your furniture to keep it paint free.

Replace Your Locks

Keep your family and your possessions safe by changing all of the locks. This eliminates the risk of strangers having a key to invade your home.

Good luck with your move! Print off, or refer back to this list as much as possible so your move goes on without a hitch.


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